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Turn-key Systems

Containerised ozone water treatment systems are fully assembled turn-key ozone systems with all the equipment required for ozone production. Equipment is installed in a container to minimise civil works and start-up time.

They allow customers to reduce construction costs and bring ozone production online faster. 

Containerised solutions are very flexible allowing the addition of a wide variety of optional equipment and services according to your needs.

turn-key ozone systems

Containerised Ozone Systems

Easy to install plug and play ozone water treatment systems

ozonia containers fully assembled and tested

Features and benefits

  • High performance

  • Fully assembled and tested

  • Minimised installation time

  • Minimised civil works and building costs

  • Standard designs or engineered concepts

  • Backed by Curio service

Containerised ozone system components

  • Container

  • Ozone generation equipment

  • Ozone contacting or mass-transfer equipment

  • Feed gas preparation equipment

  • Cooling water chiller equipment

Capabilities of ozone containerisation systems

Containerised ozone plants are capable of producing ozone at very high concentrations from either oxygen or air feed gas.


They are used in pilot-scale and full-scale applications in municipal drinking water, industrial wastewater COD removal and pulp and paper applications such as bleaching.

Brave thinking.

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